Japanese band Kikagaku Moyo plays an audacious mixture of 1970s psychedelic rock, krautrock, classical Indian music and acid folk, with reference to Japanese genre giants like Acid Mother Temples and the Far East Family Band. But far from being retro focused, they create refreshingly contemporary music. With their first eponymous album, Kikagaku Moyo they found their way into the hearts and Instagram feeds of the psychedelic scene. Then came more albums (most recently, 2018’s “Masana Temples”), tours and festival performances around the world, in which they masterfully freed listeners’ minds and bodies, and looked damn cool doing it. (Zitat Kampnagel)
Kampnagel is a theatre in Hamburg, Germany. It is Germany's biggest independent production venue for the performing arts. It is based on the premises of a former mechanical engineering factory in Winterhude, founded in 1865. Since 1982 it has been hosting and producing cultural activities, theatre and dance performances and concerts.
The International Summer Festival Hamburg takes place for three weeks each August at Kampnagel and selected places in the city of Hamburg. Since its beginning in the mid 80s, the festival has held a position as one of the big European festivals, presenting theatre, dance, visual arts, performance, music and theory from all over the world. András Siebold has been Artistic Director of the festival since 2013. His programme focuses on the entanglement of pop culture and avantgarde and the interdisciplinary expansion of genre boundaries. Invited artists stand out due to their interest and engagement in the present and radical aesthetic approaches. An essential feature of the International Summer Festival is the high proportion of world premieres and co-productions, as well as European and German premieres, which are realized within a worldwide network of partners. Each year the festival invites or produces about 50 different works that attract around 30.000 visitors from Hamburg and abroad.
Photo: Daniela Meise & Charlotte Hafke
at Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany
during "Internationales Sommerfestival 2019"
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